326.1 Introduction[//]

This AFO gives you an overview of the subscription payments. You can limit this report to current subscriptions and by budget date. You can also indicate whether or not a price correction must be applied.

This only involves subscriptions that have a link to an order from the order module.

326.2 Generate financial overviews[//]

If you select this option, an input screen appears:

Fields on the screen

Only current subscriptions: Specify here whether you wish to limit the report to current subscriptions.

Since date: Enter the date from which the report must begin. Use a valid date designation such as 15/09/1998, 15/09, T (today) or T-30 (to thirty days ago).

End date: Enter the end date for the report.

Correction price: Enter a percentage by which the actual amounts must be increased. This option can be used to create an estimate for the following year.

Budget(s): Specify here whether the report must be limited to one or more budgets. Enter one or more budget codes, separated by a comma.

Data to be printed: Tick the data elements that you wish to appear on the printed report.

After clicking OK the standard dialog box for generating output will be presented.

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July 2008
